As usual, if you want to book a
tarot reading, you may do so in advance via email; the rate is $25 for 30 minutes, and if you have had a reading from me before, or pay in advance via paypal, the cost is $20. Credit Cards also accepted. You can also grab me on the fly if you happen to see me, and I'm not busy. This worked pretty good for folks in Austin last May.
Anyway... Some time slots to consider:
Thursday - Evening, after 7pm
Friday - before 12:30pmSaturday - before 2:00pm, or 6-7pm
Secondly... I will have
Haunted Mansion Writer's Retreat pamphlets and postcards if you would like more information, or are interested in signing up. You may do so via credit card, either at the Mass Autograph Signing, or by checking with me. Some of our previous year's attendees will be at the Con to tell you all about their experiences.
BOOKS - I will have copies of
BARFODDER: Poetry Written in Dark Bars & Questionable Cafes (2nd printing) with me, along with one or two of out of print
GOSSAMER EYE copies. I will have 2011 "Reader Cards," with information on short fiction and poetry that was/is published in 2011, along with upcoming projects that are new for 2012 (THE FOUR ELEMENTS -
Bad Moon Books,
ZOMBIES VS. ROBOTS - IDW Publishing, etc...) I only have 50 of these, so please only request one. It has the cover of THE FOUR ELEMENTS (written by Linda Addison, Rain Graves, Charlee Jacob, Marge Simon) on it, which is art by Daniele Serra!
FRIDAY 10/28 - SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!1:00 PMPacific 1: Lovecraft and the Horrors of the Sea “Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time.” - H. P. Lovecraft
Why does Lovecraft’s use of the sea and its deep dark creatures still scare us? Is it significant that he uses the sea to represent some of the same ideas that are often represented in folklore by the forest? Have his heirs continued using this dread?
Mason Bundschuh, Christopher Farnsworth, Cody Goodfellow(M), Rain Graves, S. T. Joshi
8:00 PM – 11:00 PMTown and Country/San Diego: Autograph Session This is a WFC tradition for all authors, artists, and editors attending the convention. Everyone is invited to participate in this very informal event. Tent cards will be available outside the room. Get your card, find a seat, and make yourself comfortable. Refreshments and a no-host bar will be provided in the foyer.
SATURDAY - 10/293:00pm - 5:00pm
Lanai SuitePLUS ONE PRESS signing and release party for TALES FROM THE HOUSE BAND and other titles... I'll be on hand with all the authors attending WFC for the anthology release to munch and sign books. Basic info on the title:
8:00 PM
Golden Pacific Ballroom: Art Show Reception (2 hours) Tour the Art Show and meet the artists. Art Show closeout will be at 9PM. Light desserts and a no-host bar will be provided.
9:00 PM
Trellis Grille Halloween Party (hosted by the Hotel, not WFC...but this is an excuse to have a costume on. tee hee).
Pacific 6/7: Open Poetry Reading (2 hrs.) – Emcee Rose Lemberg
(*Not sure I'll make it to this, but I will try...)
See you in San Diego!