Wednesday, March 21, 2012

World Horror Convention 2012 - Salt Lake City - Schedule

I'll update this when I know any individual readings I might be scheduled for.I was originally scheduled for panels earlier on Thursday and Sunday, but my flights did not coincide, so this is gratefully amended, thanks to the WHC2012 staff. :-)


Evening arrival.
*possibly attending the evening Poetry Readings


2:00 PM
Reading (possibly Zombies vs. Robots, if there is time for it). Email me with other requests...

8:00 PM
Mass Autograph Signing

Books & Goodies I will have on-hand:
1. BARFODDER: Poetry Written in Dark Bars & Questionable Cafes (Cemetery Dance) - 2nd printing
2. THE HAUNTED MANSION PROJECT: YEAR ONE in Trade Paperback (Damnation Books - *New Release!).
3. A limited number of the 2011 reader cards featuring the cover of the June, 2012 release of THE FOUR ELEMENTS by Linda Addison, Rain Graves, Charlee Jacob, and Marge Simon (Bad Moon Books)
4. Sign-up info for the Haunted Mansion Retreat 2012 - September 27-30

9:00 PM
Mass Autograph Signing, cont.

10:30 PM
-Gross Out Contest! It's back and better than ever! Come root on your favorite readers and crown your champion! Don't forget...the theme is The theme is Weird Western, and our honorable judges are Joe R. Lansdale, Rick Hautala, and Kelly Laymon. Weston Ochse is our head bouncer...and if you'd like to bounce, please inquire with him.
(Hosted by Rain Graves)

-Damnation Books Party - Come celebrate the release of the Haunted Mansion Project: Year One, presented by Rain Graves & Edited by Eunice Magill with many of the other contributors.
*I will be there AFTER the Gross Out Contest is over...probably 11:30pm or later.


3:00 PM
-Music in Horror. How it influences the "scar" and why we love it.
(Lawrence C. Connolly, Guy Anthony De Marco, John Hornor Jacobs, Rain
Graves (M), Rio Youers)

*note: I will also be available for Tarot me for an appointment (up to 30 minutes).

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you in the dealer's room at WHC12, Rainy! All my best, and until the next convention!
